Because we have lots to share, we are showing double the love this month with a second, or new and improved, newsletter. Our monthly newsletter has been a bit hit and miss over the last year, so we thought it was time to work harder at producing a monthly newsletter. Starting with this newsletter we will be producing and emailing you this publication four to six days after our board meetings. The new format will include the following sections:
Board Meeting Minutes (summary)
Current News
Announcements and calls for Artists
The DCAA Event Schedule and updates on Events
Additional announcements and calls for artists from sources outside the organization
The next Membership and Board meetings date, time and locations
If you have something you would like to see in the newsletter; and event you would like to promote or other information, please send it to no later than 1 day before the current month's board meeting for publication in the following month's newsletter.
Board Meeting Minutes (Summary)
Board Meeting Minutes (Summary)
The full board met on January 14th at the High Desert Music Hall on Forest Ave in Redmond. In attendance:
Kristi Stone, Chair
Linda Gilmore Hill, Vice Chair and Acting Treasurer
Katie Harris, Secretary
Kimberly Krueger, Marketing Chair
Sharon Watkinds, Grant Committee
Mel Archer, Event Chair
Treasury Report
was given by Linda and Sharon. Details can be requested via the website contact form.
Old Business
Status of the Grant
The grant has been extended until schools are back to in classroom teaching and the program can be executed.
New Business
Membership Meetings and COVID Restrictions
The Governor's current restrictions will not allow for public gatherings such as a full membership meeting. Therefore, a decision was made to conduct membership meetings via ZOOM or other video platform during this time. Mel Archer, Event Chair, has volunteered to host our upcoming membership meeting on ZOOM and Kimberly Krueger, Marketing Chair, will be the cohost monitoring the chat feed during the meeting. A link to join this meeting is at the end of this email.
Due to COVID restrictions and additional scheduling changes we are going to continue with our planning of published events with the understanding that locations, dates and times will be tentative and subject to change. Additionally, the September, 2-day Art Market has been removed from the schedule. In its place, another Frost Fair event may be scheduled for November 12 and 13. The tentative location will be the High Desert Music Hall.
The process for sending updates and changes for our website to Dan Mooney was discussed and decided upon. All updates/changes will be sent to Kristi Stone, Chair, for approval and forwarding to Dan.
The format and schedule for a monthly membership newsletter was discussed. We will be mailing out a monthly newsletter to current newsletter subscribers. Please direct your friends to be added to our mailing list! To add a name and email to this list click here.
All entries/data (outside the DCAA board) for this newsletter must be submitted to no later than 1 day before the current month's full board meeting for the following month's newsletter. Anything added to the newsletter must be approved by the voting board members before publishing.
DCAA Meeting Schedule
Next General Membership Meeting: January 28th @ 6:30pm ZOOM Meeting: Please RSVP for this meeting
General Membership Meeting: February 25th @ 6:30pm Location TBD
General Membership Meeting: March 25th @ 6:30pm High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave, Redmond, OR 97756
General Membership Meeting: April 2nd @ 6:30pm
High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave, Redmond, OR 97756
Studio Visit and Show!
General Membership Meeting: May 13th @ 6:30pm
Mel Archer’s Studio (address and directions will be announced later).
NOTE: All DCAA meetings and events for 2021 are tentative and subject to current COVID restrictions and other scheduling changes.
DCAA Events
All DCAA Events are tentative and subject to current COVID restrictions and other scheduling changes.
May 2021: Saturday Art Market at the High Desert Music Hall Times and dates TBA, 818 SW Forest Ave. The High Desert Music Hall offers a wonderful space in the old Sanctuary. This large open area is inside and can accommodate many booths. We will be sending out event details, costs and signups soon. Watch your email for more information! July 2021: Open Air Art Market July 24th, lot between 8th and 9th off of Glacier Ave. We are scheduling this event the day of the Redmond Chamber's Bacon, Balloons and Brew festival. The Festival is an evening event, so we will be opening our own air market in the morning and closing shortly before the dinner hour so you can attend the glow up at Sam Johnson Park! We will be sending out event details, costs and signups soon. November: Frost Fair November 12th and 13th, location TBA. We will be sending out event details, costs and signups soon.
What's Happening in the Redmond Arts Scene
Faith Hope and Charity, “Art in the Vineyard” Call For Artists The Art in the Vineyard event will be repeated through out 2021. This event schedule is managed by Faith Hope and Charity Vineyards. Please contact them directly for more information.
Next Membership Meeting January 28th, 6:30PM On Zoom! Please RSVP to receive a meeting invitation/link by clicking on the button below: