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February 2021 Newsletter

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

Take the Survey!

February is coming to a close and we hope that we find you all well and looking forward to some of the exciting plans the Dry Canyon Arts Association have in the works. We have had to change the date for our first event this year due to the uncertainty of COVID restrictions. Our hope is that we will be in a better place for this event a little later in the year. So please change your calendars to move the May 5th show to June 5th. Our board is doing their best to plan a successful event and would like your feedback. Please take a moment to follow this link and take our quick survey:

We Are Looking for a Treasurer!

The Board is still looking for the right fit for our Treasurer position. If you are interested, please contact us at

Board Meeting Minutes (Summary)

Board Meeting Minutes (Summary)

The board met on February 11th on Zoom. In attendance:

  • Linda Gilmore Hill, Vice Chair and Acting Treasurer

  • Katie Harris, Secretary

  • Kimberly Krueger, Marketing Chair

  • Sharon Watkinds, Grant Committee

  • Mel Archer, Event Chair

Treasury Report

Was given by Linda and Sharon. Details can be requested via the website contact form.

Old Business

May 5th, Saturday Art Market at the High Desert Music Hall has been re-scheduled for June 5th

New Business

"Free Little Art Gallery" project was presented by Kimberly Krueger and discussed. An artist in Seattle has started a "Free Little Art Gallery" modeled after the "Free Little LIbrary" project. The idea is to give artists a place to 'show' their work in a gallery setting (but in minature). The thought was to solicit some of our woodworking members to construct the galleries, choose a few neighborhoods in Redmond and strategicly place them for our membership and our neighboors to populate and share our work. Read the news article about Stacey Milraney and her "Free Little Art Gallery" project in Seattle. CNN Article. Idea will be presented to the membership for further discussion.

"Free Little Art Gallery" sparks joy across the world, CBS This Morning


The May 5th, Saturday Art Market at the High Desert Music Hall has been moved to June 5th. The Dry Canyon Arts Association will be renting the sanctuary at the High Desert Music Hall for a one day Art sale and show. The booth sizes will be approximately 6x6', final size will be announced soon. Details were discussed and it was decided to send out a survey to gather information about interest in our membership and outside of Dry Canyon Arts Association. Please take a moment to fill out the survey for us!

Next Meeting

A General Meeting is scheduled for February 25th at 6:30pm via Zoom.

DCAA Meeting Schedule

Next General Membership Meeting: February 25th @ 6:30pm ZOOM Meeting: Please RSVP for this meeting


Next Board meeting: March 11th @ 6:30pm Zoom

General Membership Meeting: March 25th @ 6:30pm Location TBA


General Membership Meeting: April 2nd @ 6:30pm

Location TBA


Studio Visit and Show!

General Membership Meeting: May 13th @ 6:30pm

Mel Archer’s Studio (address and directions will be announced later).

NOTE: All DCAA meetings and events for 2021 are tentative and subject to current COVID restrictions and other scheduling changes.

DCAA Events

All DCAA Events are tentative and subject to current COVID restrictions and other scheduling changes.

June 2021: Saturday Art Market at the High Desert Music Hall PLEASE NOTE THE DATE HAS CHANGED: JUNE 5TH June 5th, 818 SW Forest Ave. The High Desert Music Hall offers a wonderful space in the old Sanctuary. This large open area is inside and can accommodate many booths. We will be sending out event details, costs and signups soon. Watch your email for more information! July 2021: Open Air Art Market July 24th, lot between 8th and 9th off of Glacier Ave. We are scheduling this event the day of the Redmond Chamber's Bacon, Balloons and Brew festival. The Festival is an evening event, so we will be opening our own open air market in the morning and closing shortly before the dinner hour so you can attend the glow up at Sam Johnson Park! We will be sending out event details, costs and signups soon. November: Frost Fair November 12th and 13th, location TBA. We will be sending out event details, costs and signups soon.

What's Happening in the Redmond Arts Scene

Faith Hope and Charity, “Art in the Vineyard” Call For Artists The Art in the Vineyard event will be repeated through out 2021. This event schedule is managed by Faith Hope and Charity Vineyards. Please contact them directly for more information.

Next Membership Meeting February 25th, 6:30PM On Zoom! Please RSVP to receive a meeting invitation/link by clicking on the button below:

Next Board Meeting

March 11th, 6:30PM


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