Artist of the Month Program
August 2023 - Ken Fisher
The Journey to the Heart with Art
There is something incredibly compelling in joining with like-minded people to work towards a common goal. The importance of camaraderie cannot be overstated, and in the case of Ken Fisher, his journey can attest to this notion. Ken found a sense of community and solace with the Dry Canyon Art Association (DCAA).
Retired since 2013, Ken needed a way to keep himself busy during the colder winter months. His solution was an artistic one, joining the DCAA in pursuit of connecting with fellow artists and taking his work to the next level. “The idea of being part of a community of artists was really appealing to me,” he explained.
The DCAA was founded to provide a space for individual artists and craftspeople to come together and share their work. Ken’s love of landscape and wildlife inspired his preferred medium: acrylics. With his paintings, he seeks to capture the natural beauty of his home in Central Oregon. In addition to his acrylics, Ken also dabbles in metal art, using repurposed materials wherever possible.
When asked about his contributions to the association, Ken emphasized his organizational skills and problem-solving abilities. A retired manager for Boeing, Ken knows how to work well with others. He says his skills help with the contributions to the the organization and has helped him fit in. His attention to detail makes him a valuable asset to the organization.
Ken says his greatest accomplishment has been in his growth as an artist. He began as a newcomer who struggled with mediocrity in his artwork. Through persistence and dedication, he has transformed his pieces into beautiful, evocative works that stylize the natural world in all its glory. “I have made vast strides in the quality of my paintings and am beginning to stretch into new areas of genre,” Ken said.
When it comes to staying motivated as an artist, Ken has a deep passion ingrained in him. Painting transports him to a whole other world, where he is truly at peace with what he is doing. It feeds his creative desires and has brought him excitement unlike anything else in his life. And with that passion driving him on his artistic journey, Ken has been able to showcase his artwork, network with fellow artists, and begin to build his legacy.
Membership in the DCAA has allowed Ken Fisher to connect with a supportive community of fellow artists and find a new form of creative expression. Ken’s journey emphasizes the importance of teamwork and pushing oneself to improve, which can only be built through the shared pursuit of our passions. As Ken Fisher himself stated, “I will continue to create and hope to meet more of the organization’s members.” And with that, it is easy to be filled with optimism about what is to come in the world of art, for all who seek it.